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Background Line 4 PXE Diskless iSCSI Boot: Log on iSCSI Target from Windows 7 Background Line 5

launch the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator.

Switch to the Discovery tab.

Press the Add button, the Add Target Portal dialog shows.

Specifying server IP address and press the OK button to continue.

Switch to the Targets tab.

Select a target from Targets list box, and press the Log On.. button. The Log On to Target dialog shows.

When you use CHAP, press the Advanced... button, otherwise press the Ok button to continue.

Select CHAP logon information.

Type User name.

Type Target secret.

Press the OK button to continue.

Then press the OK button in the Log On to Target dialog.

Now, the client is connected to the target, we don't need to format a new disk, as clone tool can do it by itself.

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